
Waitrose Foundation At Work

Celebrating Women – Saturday Sewing Clubs in the Northern Cape

August 2021

About a year ago we were in contact with Jacomien Botes, responsible for Social Development at our grower partner, the Karsten Group, in the Northern Cape. We received beautiful photos from Jacomien showing the activities of the Saturday women's clubs. At the time we spoke, the ladies at Kromhout and Mosplaas farms were very excited about their sewing projects and they were producing masks, bags and washable sanitary pads.

We are thrilled to share an update on the ladies' progress and these beautiful photos. These images feature the women from Green Valley Nuts making table cloths and head coverings. Tollie from Kromhout made 280 masks. The five ladies clubs together made 1000 eco pads for Mandela Day and the pads were distributed to NGO's like the ACVV as well as to women in the local correctional facility. Ladies from Roepersfontein have been making curtains and at Koekoeb the most beautiful dresses were made by the women in the club. The photos also include women busy with sewing projects at Blouputs, Mosplaas and Raap & Skraap. Well done to all these ladies. The perfect way to end Women's Month with this inspiring update.

The Waitrose Foundation funding for projects on Karsten farms benefit the community, especially the farm workers who prepare and pack fresh produce. These projects include the building and renovation of crèches, community halls, soccer fields, play parks for children, as well as skills training projects like computer literacy, welding and needlework. The Saturday women's club is an excellent example of economic empowerment as the intention is for the ladies to create their own sustainable income.