
Waitrose Foundation At Work

New Kiosk at Thornlands gets a Name

MARCH 2022

There was excitement at Thornlands farm in Buffeljagsrivier near Swellendam in March when the winner of the competition to name their new kiosk on the farm was announced. The kiosk is located at the farm's new packhouse and officially opened on 1 April, giving the workers easier access to food and refreshments.

During peak season workers often do overtime or night shifts and the need for access to refreshments was identified by the farm worker committee. Funds allocated for the project helped to kick start the 'snoepie' through the purchase of products and operating equipment. The training of staff in the kiosk was also priority in relation to food hygiene and safety. The worker committee intends to apply profits from the kiosk to other projects identified as important to the worker community.

On Friday, 18 March, Kyle van Rooyen walked away with a brand new sandwhich maker and kettle for his winning kiosk name - the 'LEKKERBEK' Snoepie. Pictured below, Kyle receives his prize from John Jonas, Chairman of the Thornlands Worker Committee. We are so pleased to see that this project is boosting worker morale and adding value where it is much needed.