
Waitrose Foundation At Work

Teamwork and effective communication in action during KatCo’s worker committee training

February 2024

During February we had several busy training weeks in various locations throughout the country. These photos were taken during the Worker Committee training for the KatCo packhouse and 3rd party growers at Katberg Mountain Resort and Hotel in the Eastern Cape.

Thank you to our Waitrose Foundation Exporter Liaison, Emily Hendricks, for spending the time on-site with the group.

In some of the photos the committee is doing an exercise on teamwork and cooperation. There are also moments where committee members participated in an exercise focused on building trust, leading others, clear communication, and attentive listening. These experience during the workshops are powerful tools through which learning can occur and participants can draw from that when facing similar situations in their leadership roles at the farm. These are certainly some of the key characteristics that the Worker Committee Members should develop to effectively lead their worker community as well as playing a significant role in the community in which they live.

We also received wonderfully positive feedback videos recorded at the end of the two-day workshop. A productive and impactful two days! Thank you to everybody's contribution and active participation.